Friday, 26 August 2011
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Blog ,Blog and Blog
This is some blog which provide same product with us which is bundle!!! yeah!!
we're not alone in this industry... Try check them out :)WELCOME BUNDLE SHOPPING MALAYSIA

This is one more of cool bundle blogspot :) Must see this

Sunday, 17 July 2011
Activity around campus
Hello guys!!! meet me again!! would like to know about activity in UITM ???
Lets check it out.....
U know whats this place called??? this is DSG of Uitm Jengka but most of students like called it "Dewan Sejuk Giler" .ahahaha... weirds right ?? when u have enter this hall then u will know why this hall called "dewan sejuk giler" . Its so cold , maybe -5 in temperature ... just kidding..
Last week this places is a venue for Forum Perdana Hal Ehwal Islam which is live at Tv1. All students very excited have their face on television .This place so crowded of students and publics that want to see it live. But before that our prime minister have attend to inaugurate the program memory of our statesmen figures, Late Tun Abdul Razak.The activity being held for 3 days from thursday until saturday. Jengka full of police that control the activity. Maybe because of P.M . hehehe ..
hope u guys enjoys read this article :) let me know if there is comment then i can improve my article and of course my English :) BUBYE
Lets check it out.....

Last week this places is a venue for Forum Perdana Hal Ehwal Islam which is live at Tv1. All students very excited have their face on television .This place so crowded of students and publics that want to see it live. But before that our prime minister have attend to inaugurate the program memory of our statesmen figures, Late Tun Abdul Razak.The activity being held for 3 days from thursday until saturday. Jengka full of police that control the activity. Maybe because of P.M . hehehe ..
hope u guys enjoys read this article :) let me know if there is comment then i can improve my article and of course my English :) BUBYE
Sunday, 3 July 2011
meaning of fren to me
F” is for Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
“R” is for Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always
rely on.
rely on.
“I” is for Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in you,
your fears, joys, and life.
your fears, joys, and life.
“E” is for Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give
you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
“N” is for Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time
it is, night or day.
it is, night or day.
“D” is for Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a true
friend is never far away.
friend is never far away.
“S” is for Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts
that you can only share with a friend.
that you can only share with a friend.
“H” is for Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
“I” is for Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and
laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
“P” is for Perfect……..The friendship
i lov MGT300 because..
With this subject, make me learn more about IT, virus,software and can learn how to make money wit online.I also learn how to use I-learn portal which can improve my study and relation wit my leaturer.....
eVerYTHing AbOuT mE> KHaiRuR RaFiQ AbDuL AZiZ

<-> Schematic Person
<-> Happy Go lucky Person
<-> Rilex
<-> Handsome (Ya-Ha )
<-> Always Smile
I like to value my friends as my own family, I love them as I
love myself because they are always with me in any kind of situation. Whenever and whatever my problem is they always helping me to overcome that problem and officiallly make me feel relief and not stress.So that, in a word i will say them is my heroes in my life. I would like to contribute them all for their efforts.
I love MGT 300 because it teach me about using information technology in my daily life.Besides this subject helps me enhance my knowledge especially in educational and improving my personality using technology communication. Moreover, this subject also help me technically increasing my multimedia skills. At the end , YA-HA.......
About Me (Kir)

Hi ! I'm just passing through here and wanna drop something about me :) . Allright, the name was given by my parents is Muhammad Syakirin Bin Mohd Aminudin and the name was given by my friends is Kir. So, everybody can call me Kir. Currently studying in UiTM Pahang and taking Business Management course. About me, I'm a cheerful person, easy in making friends, dedicated, love music and also got skills in marching band. Ilike to value my friends as my own family, I love them as I love myself and i've got big family relationship in uitm jengka as well. Having friends is the most important things in human life and you wont feel lonely in order to face any kind of situations and problems. Therefore a valuable friendship comes from a sincere heart and you will feel the right things. In Business Management course I'm taking Business Information Technology (MGT 300). I love MGT 300 because it helps me to improve myself in multimedia and communications as well. In order to face the multimedia era's i have to learn and make myself a one step in front another persons. Multimedia helps me to improving my skills. Thats all about me. Thanz...
mohd faez bin saidi
Saturday, 2 July 2011
All about Me
Hi!! meet me again.. this words describe myself but only u can determine what i am. :)
Hold on!!!
by the way......
just call me wan
Whats friendship means to me???
- Everybody have friends but not everyone is the truthfully friends... know what i means????
Only truth friends will still and accompany us even in a bad or good conditions.. This is i call
FRIENDSHIPS :) so..... Try to find FRIENDSHIPS in your life .. :)
LOVE MGT 300???
- Of Course!!! hehehehe .. i'm newbie in blogging so i really don't know how to edit or design..By this subject i have learn many thing about Internet .. So,, if my blog not so cool don't blame me ok!!! hehehe
Hold on!!!
by the way......
just call me wan
Whats friendship means to me???
- Everybody have friends but not everyone is the truthfully friends... know what i means????
Only truth friends will still and accompany us even in a bad or good conditions.. This is i call
FRIENDSHIPS :) so..... Try to find FRIENDSHIPS in your life .. :)
LOVE MGT 300???
- Of Course!!! hehehehe .. i'm newbie in blogging so i really don't know how to edit or design..By this subject i have learn many thing about Internet .. So,, if my blog not so cool don't blame me ok!!! hehehe

Hi!! my name is Mohd Ridzwan Bin Mohamad Kasini . I studying at UITM Jengka. This person named Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhari . I really admire him because though he is a very rich man he never forgot his roots, race and religion. I hope that one day I can emulate him and become a successful man.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Uitm Pahang served students with a comfortable facilities such as the libraby and classes which is in perfect condition to make sure students can be concentrated in study and perform well in exam.
The lecturers is concerned about their students like always checking attendance and gives good motivations for their students thus make the students can perform well in final.
During my time here im very comfortable to its environment and i also can adapt well to have a good communications with lecturers and all my friends. They have help me so much during my study and also when i have any problem.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Endlessly Bundle History
Founded by four young people who want to be close of business on a small scale. Business, led by Muhammad Syakirin with 3 friends of Mohd Ridzwan, Faez and Khairur Rafiq. Our idea is based from our interest in collecting used products and ways to treat it is to resell it. In that way we can raise funds to sustain our daily lives. This is how we work in the field of busines
* Our Mission is to provide high quality bundle
* Our Vision is to become a large company of bundle supplier.
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